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Dear Friends and Family,


As you may already know, I am very focused on my PhD dissertation in geology. However, I still accept offers to speak at conferences or other venues, especially if they are through zoom or in close-driving distance. 


In late May, I was privileged to be a part of the 2022 Creation SuperConference held at a beautiful Myrtle Beach resort. The event was well attended with 600 participants (not including online viewers).


I gave two lectures, one on the supposed “ape-like” creatures, more technically referred to as the hominin fossil record, titled Contesting the Missing Links—based on the book Contested Bones. The second talk was on Geology 101–Why the Rocks Shout Flood Not Millions of Years! After each talk and throughout the conference, I received encouraging feedback from several people who attended. Overall, it was an exciting event, and I was honored to be invited as a guest speaker. One attendee wrote in an email to me:


“Your talk on geology was so fascinating! Your heart for people who don’t believe is evident in your lectures. You are not just talking to prove a point but in hopes that God will work in people and they will look to Him. You are not pointing fingers and bashing people for not believing in Genesis but showing them the facts and letting God work.”


This past August, I spoke at a young adult service held down the road from me at Loma Linda University Church. The topic had to do with rational belief in the existence of God and included a panel of several scientists, most of whom were higher-credentialed than me, (e.g., a NASA “rocket scientist”/aerospace engineer). I was grateful for the opportunity to encourage young adults in their faith. Some of the topics I addressed included carbon-14 dating and geologic evidence for the Genesis Flood. 


After the conference, I spoke to a 17-year-old who was struggling with doubts about the Bible, just like I was at his age. Coincidently, his name was Christopher. I saw a lot of myself in him and was able to answer some of his big questions. His parents were very grateful I took the time to talk to him. They later wrote to me, “You were an answer to my prayer for my son.” Praise God! Several other students stopped me on the way out. They asked many more questions about creation, evolution, and the Bible—all common questions that I was able to provide a satisfactory answer to. I especially enjoyed speaking freely with the students and getting to know them more as we spoke more casually after the panel discussion. 


In the little time I have remaining after field work, research, lab work, and changing diapers—I’ve managed to pull together a detailed outline and an incomplete draft for the sequel to our documentary film, Dismantled—A Scientific Deconstruction of the Theory of Evolution. If you saw the film (, you may recall we interviewed several scientists in the areas of biology, paleoanthropology (ape/human fossil record), and genetics. Dismantled Part II will pick up where we left off and continue with two additional fields of science: geology and paleontology. 


In Dismantled Part II, there will be a strong focus on the geologic evidence for the Genesis Flood, serious flaws in radioisotope dating methods, and some incredible dinosaur fossil discoveries—all of which powerfully confirm, from a scientific perspective, the historical reliability of the Biblical account of creation and The Flood.


I am excited and eager to complete the script (though, I am mindful not to get too distracted from my dissertation research, which remains a top priority). The geologic evidence for the recent, year-long global flood is truly overwhelming. Unfortunately, most people have never been exposed to a biblically– and scientifically-sound perspective on origins. 


Here at Back2Genesis, we hope to change that—there are so many people who need to hear this message, especially teens and young adults who share the same doubts that Christopher and I once had, doubts that keep people from believing in the One True God, Jesus Christ, who became flesh and lived among us (John 1:14). 


Will you please consider helping us fund Dismantled Part II? If so, one of the best ways you can help us reach our goal is through monthly donations, which can be arranged online through our website (or checks sent by mail) at the following link: The same link offers a free viewing link to Scene 4 from Dismantled (Part I), on genetic evidence of Adam and Eve and the Tower of Babel dispersion. Feel free to pass the video along to your friends and family.


As always, we are in desperate need of your prayers. That is how the battle for souls will ultimately be won. Thank you for your time and generosity in helping Back2Genesis to continue in our mission of casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5)



Christopher Rupe

Back2Genesis, Inc.



Contact us at to host a free movie event!





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